Pajama Pants

Zach arrives home on his anniversary eve to greet his girls (plus the babysitter).

Zach: We better get going.

Nat: I’m ready.

Zach just stares at Nat.

Nat stares back at Zach.

Nat: You think these are pajamas, don’t you?

Zach: Yes.

Nat: They’re not.

Zach: Okaaaay…

Nat: I’m wearing these. On our date. I’m ready to go.

Zach: Right. Very funny.

Nat: I’m serious. Watch me walk out this door.

Zach follows reluctantly follows behind her waiting for her to say kidding and go change.

At the elevator, stares.

In the elevator, looking Nat up and down.

On the street.

Zach: You’re really wearing those.

Nat: Yep.

Zach: You look… nice.

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