Due Date

Flashback to one year ago today…

My Baby Girl,

Well, today’s your due date. April 30th. I’ve repeated that day over and over again for month’s on end. It’s usually the first question people ask when they find out I’m pregnant. Followed by, “Do you know what you’re having?” and then, “Is it your first?”. I’ve never had a date tied to such an overwhelming feeling. Not even Christmas or my birthday as a kid can compare. This one day represents so much. Anticipation, excitement, hopes, fears… Just getting here has been my goal. And here we are.

It appears, as it’s now the evening, you’re not ready to go anywhere just yet. As uncomfortable as I am (I already know you and your little feet are going to be a dancer!) and as much as I want to meet you, it’s fine, take your time. I want you to do this your way. I hope you live your life the same way.

I’ll be here to guide you, pick you up, cheer you up, make you laugh (probably also groan), and champion everything you do and everyone you love, just being grateful to be on the sidelines, in support of your incredible life. It’s all ahead of you. When you’re ready…

